
Pay and Personnel Budgeting

Salaries make up the greatest portion of your expenditure budget. You need to use logical and proven forecasting techniques to provide a true picture of where your payroll dollars are going. In addition, government agencies and departments face increasing budget constraints and scrutiny, making accurate expenditure projections essential to make smart pay and personnel decisions.

Pay and Personnel Budgeting

A solution by Neubrain


Neubrain’s Pay and Personnel Budgeting solution combines data for salary and wages, benefits, inflation, vacancy adjustments, and many other variables for accurate and efficient analysis, reporting, and forecasting, allowing you to properly forecast and determine optimum pay and staffing levels for your organization. Designed to manage complex pay and personnel budgeting and forecasting, our solution gives you the information you need to ensure that you maintain optimal staff levels.

Our solution is ideal for organizations with a large number of personnel, dynamic workforce, and complex pay structures and plans. The solution combines key pay and personnel budgeting components into a single integrated framework, providing fast deployment and a wide range of analytical capabilities. It is fully customizable to the unique needs of your organization without writing a single line of code, which guarantees ease of administration and low maintenance costs.


Our Pay and Personnel Budgeting solution is used by budget and financial analysts, comptrollers, budget chiefs, cost planners, and program managers for a variety of tasks, including tracking and categorizing personnel, creating what-if scenarios, and producing key performance documentation and reports.

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