
Board offers a comprehensive, user-friendly platform with myriad features—available within one architecture at no extra license cost and requiring no extra modules.


Flexible deployment

Implement Board on-premise, on-hosting, or on-cloud with equal reliability and security, switching models as needed.

Powerful HBMP technology

Experience unmatched planning speed and full read/write capabilities with our proprietary in-memory technology.

Granular security

Multi-layer security model providing cell-level security tailored to individual users, roles, and groups. 

Scalable architecture

Advanced in-memory server clustering ensures full horizontal scalability with read and write support.

Multi-language support

 View information in different languages based on the user’s security profile.


Native web technology enables high-performing, gesture-based interaction with drag-and-drop functionality that’s accessible from any device.

Unified data view

Integrate any data source into a single logical view, allowing for seamless data access and updates.

Data connectivity

Pre-built data connectors minimize the time and effort needed to access and use your data from various sources.


Drag and drop analysis

From simple reports to sophisticated performance management applications, analysis can be easily built using drag and drop measures, dimensions, and graphical objects.

On-the-fly calculated metrics

Create on-the-fly calculated metrics through Excel-like formulas for immediate use in analyses, reports, or dashboards.

Time awareness

Easily deploy on-the-fly historical analysis, comparison, or data contextualization with time-based data sources (including previous year, previous periods, cycles, time cumulated value, period moving total, period moving average, and period offset).

Drill anywhere

No more preconfigured drill-down paths or need to create logical hierarchies. Board automatically proposes possible drill down paths so the most suitable one for data exploration at any moment can be chosen.

Drill back to source systems

Data federation capabilities allow for managing aggregate data in Board while directly accessing information within source systems when drilling down. This ensures extreme speed in analyzing aggregate information and provides the full capability to reach deeper levels of detail without retrieving large amounts of data from source systems.

Drill through

Drill from one report to another, instantly providing various views and perspectives of analysis on the same set of data.

Analytical functions

With a few mouse clicks, users can instantly use out-of-the-box functions to build and enrich any analysis, dashboard, or report. Choose from key analysis functions including traditional min/max, average, and standard deviation, and algorithms that specifically address business analyses such as frequency, recency, dormancy, and nascency.


Real-time modeling

Modify data models during a planning or forecasting process without affecting users’ operations. New business units, products, markets, or investments can be inserted in a controlled way during a planning cycle, simulating on-the-fly the potential effect of new scenarios on the existing business model.

Multi-user concurrent data entry

Simultaneous, multi-user data-entry is supported through a native logical function, spreading changes to all levels of detail. Board technology guarantees data integrity and consistency without the need to run batch processes for allocating and consolidating changes made by each individual user.

Advanced data entry

Utilize the most comprehensive set of data-entry capabilities available on the market today. Features include validation rules, role-based security, cell freezing, handling of calculated fields, drivers/calculation-based data spreading, ERP write-back, real-time multiple calculation (to insert data in one currency and have it immediately available in several different currency formats), and data spreading modeling (to freely define, adjust, and simulate data allocation patterns).

ERP database write-back

Automatically write back the outcomes of any budget/data-entry cycle directly into the ERP database, effectively integrating transactional and planning systems.


Advanced what-if and what-for analysis capabilities are combined with the ability to create and manage scenarios, making it easy to compare different business assumptions and coherently simulate future outcomes.

Reverse algorithm

Propagate changes across dimensions and hierarchies to the calculated fields. For example, if you change a percentage value, the change will automatically be reflected in the quantities from which the percentage has been generated, even if the percentage is a calculated value.

Commentary and file attachment

Associate any type of file (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, RTF, image files, and more) with an individual cell to qualify the numeric or textual information contained within it.

Business modeling


Integrated workflow management, including conditional alerting and mailing, cell locking and triggered events, and data auditing and validation processes is all possible in Board. Planning steps can easily be created and correlated to approval cycles according to the logic behind the process.

Business rules

The procedures engine allows users to effectively model key business processes by easily configuring a set of pre-built rules. Such processes include driver-based allocations, eliminations, conversions, consolidations, initializations, top-down and bottom-up reconciliations, value calendarization, multidimensional calculations, and more.

Scenarios and versions

Generate unlimited plan versions and scenarios to easily track the evolution of forecasts and plans over time and compare them with results.

Excel formula into reports

Include Excel-like formulas in any Board tabular report, replicating the logic implemented in Excel spreadsheets without renouncing Board advantages such as data consistency, validation, security, and multidimensional analyses.

Adaptive aggregation

 Board Data Models allow users to change or add dimensions on-the-fly to instantly re-aggregate all data across the new dimension. This level of flexibility is far ahead of the competition.