
Creating a driver-based connection between capacity, sales, and costs

Integrated Financial and Operational Planning at Hapag-Lloyd

Board allows us an in-depth overview of all our logistics complexities, as well as driver-based connections between capacity planning, sales planning, and cost planning.

Merle Remmell
Director Controlling

00:00:12How do you use Board in your company? Board is used for our financial planning. At present we are still busy with the implementation. In future we plan to also use it for reporting and dashboarding, but firstly our focus is on financial planning.

00:00:30What are the benefits of Board? Hapag-Lloyd is in the logistics industry and logistics means connecting the entire world. The world is quite large and complicated. By using the Big Data and Drill-Anywhere functions, Board allows us an in-depth overview of all those complexities, as well as driver-based connections between capacity planning, sales planning, and cost planning.

00:01:00What are Board's biggest strengths? For us, Board's biggest selling point is the Drill Anywhere functionality and the focus on planning. When I create a new table it automatically has a sum at the bottom without me having to pre-program it. For me, it's a tool for controllers who implement the system, but still keeps everyone from sales and the operational side - who aren't controllers - on board.

00:01:27Have you got further plans with Board? This year our complete focus is on the implementation of a fully integrated financial planning system. Next year we plan to further integrate the reporting possibilities including commenting - which helps us avoid the journey from Excel to PowerPoint. Additionally, we'd like to use KPI dashboards so that - for example - management can view the KPIs on a daily basis on their iPads.